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SITCの代表であるBernard Kibirige(ベルナルド・キブリッジ)から、私たちにメールでメッセージが届きました。日本にいる私たちも、農業を通じた自立的な成長という課題をともに解決する方法があれば、と模索してまいります。

We did receive the food donations from Syowa Elementary School this week and we have indeed taken photos our children receiving the food and eating it. We will be sending the packages of the printed photos and Thank You Letters from our children early next week.

The idea of children growing the rice and soy beans is very great! And we would like to see our children doing the same as a sustainable means of food production. We need to explore partnership with Japanese agencies in this area. Infact, once we establish our our farm, we would have the capacity to grow to as much Corn, Beans and Vegetables for feeding the children and with surplus to sell at the open market. Can we develop a project proposal to this effect?

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